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WPCA Approved Minutes 04/05/2011, Regular Meeting

Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens, Jr.,
                                and William Vees

Alternates Present:     Nancy Mulroy

Alternates Absent:      Richard Siedman

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                        Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Chairman Joseph Carino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the April 5, 2011 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


1.      March 1, 2011, Public Hearing

Motion was made to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2011 Public Hearing.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2011 Regular Meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
There was a unanimous vote, and the motion carried unanimously


        1.      Election of WPCA Chairman

Motion was made to nominate Mr. Richard Aries as the Chairperson to the Water Pollution Control Authority.

Motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens Jr.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Chairman Richard Aries thanked Mr. Joseph Carino for his outstanding job as Chairman of the WPCA and he also thanked all the members of the WPCA for this opportunity.

        2.      Discussion of the Town Council & WPCA Joint Work Session

Chairman Richard Aries explained that a joint meeting between the Town Council and the Water Pollution Control Authority was held on Thursday, March 24th.  He asked the members of the Authority that were present at the meeting for their opinion.

Mr. Robert Dickinson expressed that this meeting was useful, although he did not see so much input from the WPCA side.  Chairman Aries stated that he really wanted to hear what the Council members had to say.  He did notice however, that he didn’t hear much of the argument regarding the Town Council authority versus the authority of the WPCA.  He believes that is well acknowledged that WPCA has a range of authority.  

Mr. William Vees reported that he was very impressed with how everyone reacted to the emergency sewer pipes that collapsed at Clark Street and Chapel Road.  In regards to the WPCA and Town Council joint meeting, he believes that the format of the Agenda was sketchy.

Chairman Aries reported that there was some concern about the encumbered capital projects that are currently in the budget and he asked Mr. Fred Shaw if any actions have been taken.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the Finance Director has prepared a list of the encumbered capital projects which will be provided to the Town Manager.

Chairman Aries also reported that with regards to the sewer user fees, it seems that initially the Town Council wanted a commitment from the Authority towards the entire 1/20th payment for the debt service of the Treatment Plant.  However, he does not think that the WPCA can give them that commitment at this point and time.  This is subject to further discussion with the Town Council on April 20, 2011.

Ms. Carol Fletterick suggested for the Town Council to inform the Authority as to what information they may need so that the Authority be prepared to present that information.  If the Authority has anticipated another set of questions besides the sewer user fees, the Authority would have been prepared to present such information.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that there is a short list of capital projects that are still outstanding; $952,472 funds are available for unrestricted projects. The Town Manager has looked at this unrestricted reserve balance to be used towards repayment of the first invoice (1/20th payment) for the Treatment Plant debt service.

Chairman Aries will meet with Mr. Fred Shaw to further discuss the WPCA budget and will schedule a WPCA Special Meeting prior to the Town Council meeting on April 20th.

        3.      Adjustment of Commercial User Charge for Account # 350670

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the above mentioned account refers to the property located at 658 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT.  He explained that right next to this property is 626 Ellington Road which is a residential property.  These two properties are owned by the same individual.  The water consumption reports from the MDC listed both properties flows combined.  So the Town billed the property owner for residential and commercial water consumption.  However, the property owner had previously been billed for the residential property flow rate.  Mr. Shaw went out to 626 Ellington Road and confirmed that indeed, the property is used only for residential.  Therefore, Mr. Fred Shaw recommended that the flow be changed from 518,364 to 223,652 gallons and the user charge be changed accordingly.

Motion was made to approve the adjustment of the Commercial User Charge from $1,605.35 to $692.60 for the sewer user bill FY 2010/2011 for property located at 658 Ellington Road, Account #350670, as recommended by Mr. Fred Shaw in his Memorandum dated April 5, 2011 (see Exhibit A).

Motion was made by Mr. Joseph Carino
The motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

        4.      Collapse of the Chapel Road Sewer Line – Status Update

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the Chapel Road sewer line has been repaired; the Town is in the process of receiving bills.  There is a portion of the next section of downstream pipe downstream that also appears to be corroded; however, he is not sure to what extend the pipe is damaged and whether or not that could be repaired in place.  In the case of Chapel Road Town staff had used a stick camera down the pipe to assess the condition of the pipe.  This was also been done for other concrete pipes through out the Town.  It looks like most of the Chapel Road sewer going down to Route 5 and up north to Pleasant Valley Road is in reasonably good shape but a better closer look at that pipe needs to be done.  A different type of camera will need to be used because of the greater amount of flow through the Chapel Road sewer.

The Town staff has recognized that there is a need for specialized equipment and a need to have specialized knowledge to evaluate whether or not the pipes can be repaired in place or not as in the case of Chapel Road Sewer pipe.  The Town is soliciting request for qualifications from engineering firms to complete a project involving three steps.  The first step is to prepare a closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection and evaluation of reinforced concrete sewer pipes.  And to review and assess the condition of each sewer pipe segment and manhole inspected and provide recommendations as to whether sewer replacement or rehabilitation is required.  This involves developing a priority list for budgetary purposes, recommending which pipes may need to be repaired first, or may be delayed for a future period.

The second phase of this project is to evaluate the condition of the concrete force main on Clark Street Pumping Station’s, which is 5,600 feet long.  A number of engineering reports were done over the past twenty years.  One report was done for Benedict Pump and Clark Street Pump Station in 1991, and another report was prepared for the Clark Street Pumping Station in 2001; another analysis was conducted in 2002 for the Facility Plant and the entire collection system (pipes and pumping stations).  One of the recommendations for Clark Street Pump Station provided a capability for bypassing the station which has now been considered insufficient and impractical.  Therefore, the second phase also involves an analysis and to recommend for a cost effective rehabilitation and cost effective alternative for by-pass pumping.

Chairman Richard Aries asked if the repair of the Chapel Road sewer line could have been covered by insurance.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that he has looked at the possibility; however, the insurance coverage is not for pipes that are located in the right of way.  The insurance coverage is only for pipes that are on Town property like a pump station or at the Treatment Plant.

Mr. William Vees asked what did the Environmental Services crew helped with.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that at the very start of the project Environmental Services were called out to help pump wastewater from the trench.  And they did help in bypassing the section of collapsed pipe; they pumped out the water that was coming out of the force main within that pipe that was broken and transported the wastewater that further down stream to another manhole so as to contain everything within the trench.  This allowed time for the Town staff to get the pump needed in place and to get the pipes set up.   Fortunately, Mr. Shaw added, there are some very capable contractors in Town that have the right equipment when needed.

Mr. Fred Shaw also reported that over the last twenty-five years the infiltration of the sewer has been evaluated.  He explained that infiltration is the water that enters the pipe from underground.  The last time an I/I study was done was back in 2002 for the entire collection system.  The Town staff has noticed that there are very high flows to the Clark Street/Benedict Drive pump stations.  A closer look of the waste sheds must be done for both, the Benedict Drive and Clark Street areas.  This analysis involves monitoring flows in the pipe during the wet times of the year and the dry times of the year (spring and fall season).  Therefore, the third phase of the sanitary sewer evaluation will be to conduct a systematic investigation of I/I in the waste sheds of the Benedict Drive and Clark Street sewer pumping stations; to make a description of the existing waste shed collection system; estimate ground water levels; monitor continuous flows and flow isolation; determine the infiltration and inflow rates; and make recommendations for further investigation where appropriate.  

Mr. Frank Ferrero asked Mr. Fred Shaw if deterioration of the concrete pipes typically happens in high traffic areas.  Mr. Shaw answered that is based upon a number of things; it could be the result of sulfite gases.  He explained that certainly at the end of force mains there is a stirring up of the waste water which can release sulfite gases; hydrogen sulfite is released and combines with the moisture inside the pipe developing sulfuric acid on a concrete pipe surfaces.

Once the final analysis of the scope of this project is completed, Mr. Joseph Carino asked for the plan to be presented to the Authority so that members of the Authority could understand the plan and agree with the plan so as to ensure the public and everybody else that there is a good plan in place.

                With no further discussion, Chairman Aries moved to discuss the next Item on the Agenda.  


        1.      Treatment Plant Upgrade (Progress Report)

Mr. Fred Shaw reported that the construction of the Treatment Plant is about 70% completed.  The contractor is to be substantially complete by December 4, 2011; however, there will be a punch list of plans.  Mr. Shaw explained that there will be a number of partial completion dates throughout this project.  The change orders have not been excessive for a project of this size.

        2.      Dry Pit Pump Station Upgrade (Progress Report)

As previously mentioned the Town went out for competitive bids for this project and Kovacs Construction was the apparent low bidder and was selected to do this project (see Exhibit B).  The Town’s consultant, Weston and Sampson reviewed and approved their proposal.  There will be a pre-construction meeting; and the project construction phase will begin within the next two weeks.


Mayor Pelkey was in attendance.  He reported that he did receive from Melanie Crucitti, Director of Finance the short list of outstanding projects. He will thoroughly review the list and probably will have questions.  In remark of the March 30, 2011 joint meeting with WPCA he explained that his perception was that there are a lot of people from the public starting to question where the money has been spent, and how many projects are going on, and the Town Council needs to have this information available.  He explained that there are no questions as far as the sewer fees in Town because they are very reasonable.  The main concern from the Town Council is that some members are really trying to understand the figures from the reserve fund account and the 1/20th payment due for the debt service for the Treatment Plant.  He explained that the Town Council did vote for and passed a resolution that the Town will pay for the Treatment Plant with tax dollar; however, the 1/20th payment will be paid through the user fee structure.  He explained that the reserve fund policy should be based on all real facts and figures, not on subjective policy.

Mr. Richard Aries explained that the Authority is committed to have an adequate reserve; it is an essential part of the sewer system and that was presented to be the case to the Town Council members.  He further explained that the Authority has the right to establish that policy as part of the business practice for the WPCA and is a policy that will meet the business standards of the Town.  He explained that the WPCA certainly wants to hear from the Town Council and work with the Town Council in creating this policy.

Mr. Ed Havens, Jr. asked Mayor Pelkey what would be the worst case scenario if WPCA has to pay for a repair, and they have already depleted the $952,000 in the reserve fund to pay for the 1/20th payment due for the debt service of the Treatment Plant.  Mayor Pelkey answered that it would need to be taken care of over the next year; the Town probably will have the funds to take care of the problem.  However, he does not think that it will get to that point, because there are two more years before the 1/20th payment is due, in the meantime, WPCA will be accruing money in the reserve fund, therefore, the $952,000 in reserve would not be spent.  He further explained that the Town Council is trying to look at what it is that needs to be done to have some reserve available and also the 1/20th payment.  Also, at the joint meeting of March 24th, a question was asked as to how much will be generated in reserve, should the user fees increase by $10, or $20.  Mr. Richards Aries explained that these projections have been done over time; however, Mr. Fred Shaw will prepare the projections using $10 and $20 user fee increases over the next two years and this information will be provided to the Town Council for review prior to the next joint meeting.  Chairman Aries asked Mayor Pelkey to please advise the WPCA prior to the next meeting should there be any further information requested by the Town Council.  


        1.      Approval to transfer funds from the capital reserve funds for payment of contractual services for the repair of the sewer pipes                 collapse at Clark Street and Chapel Road –
                Bills received:
p;        $17,175.87

Mr. Fred Shaw explained that two more bills were received (Environmental Services, Goodwin Pumps) which need to be reviewed and approved by Town staff.  Mr. Shaw provided an updated list of the bills received (see Exhibit B).  He explained that there are outstanding questions regarding the bill from the Manchester Police Department, and is still under staff review.  Mr. Shaw asked for WPCA approval to pay Environmental Services, Goodwin Pumps, and Manchester Police Department condition upon staff review and approval for payment; including a bill that is expected to be received from the Town of South Windsor Police Department.  

Motion was made for approval of transferring funds from the capital reserve funds for payment of contractual services provided by J & H Slater Construction and Folsom Construction (see Exhibit C).

Motion was made by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made for conditional approval of transferring funds from the capital reserve funds for payments of contractual services provided by Environmental Services, Goodwin Pumps, Manchester Police, and South Windsor Police subject to staff review and approval for payment (see Exhibit C).

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Dickinson
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Fred Shaw reported that there is a need to further review the proposed Reserve Fund Policy.  Mr. Richard Aries asked members of the Authority to review the information previously provided regarding the Draft policy and to be prepared to discuss it at the next WPCA Special meeting.



Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

The motion was made by Mr. Ed Havens, Jr.
The motion was seconded by Mr. William Vees
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: May 3, 2011